
Engineering : C# 4.0: The Complete Reference Book

Engineering : C# 4.0: The Complete Reference Book

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C# 4.0: The Complete Reference


Herbert Schildt


Part I The C# Language

The Creation of C#                                              
An Overview of C#                                              
Data Types, Literals, and Variables                                
Program Control Statements                                      
Introducing Classes and Objects                                  
Arrays and Strings                                               
A Closer Look at Methods and Classes                             
Operator Overloading                                           
Indexers and Properties                                          
Interfaces, Structures, and Enumerations                           
Exception Handling                                             
Using I/O                                                       
Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions                        
Name spaces, the Preprocessor, and Assemblies                     
Runtime Type ID, Reflection, and Attributes                       
Unsafe Code, Pointers, Null able Types, Dynamic Types,
and Miscellaneous Topics

Part II Exploring the C# Library

Exploring the System Name space                                  
Strings and Formatting                                            
Multi threaded Programming, Part One                             
Multi threading, Part Two: Exploring the Task Parallel Library
and PLINQ                                                      
Collections, Enumerators, and Iterators                             
Networking Through the Internet Using System Net                 
Documentation Comment Quick Reference                         

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