

Embedded Systems Design with 8051 Microcontrollers Hardware and Software


Chapter 1:Introduction To Embedded Systems

Chapter 2:8031 Microcontrollers

Chapter 3:8031 Derivatives

Chapter 4:Real Life Projects

Chapter 5:Project Tools

Chapter 6:Topview Simulator

Chapter 7:Topview Debugger

Chapter 8:Topview Programmer

Chapter 9: Contact Frontline Electronics

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Embedded Systems Design with 8051 Microcontrollers Hardware and Software

Embedded Systems Design with 8051 Micro controllers Hardware and Software


Chapter 1: Introduction To Embedded Systems

Chapter 2: 8031 Micro controllers

Chapter 3: 8031 Derivatives

Chapter 4: Real Life Projects

Chapter 5: Project Tools

Chapter 6: Top view Simulator

Chapter 7: Top view Debugger

Chapter 8: Top view Programmer

Chapter 9: Contact Front line Electronics

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Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices EBook

Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices

4th Edition


William Stallings


Chapter 1 : Introduction

PART - I : Symmetric Ciphers

Chapter 2 : Classical Encryption Techniques

Chapter 3. Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard

Chapter 4. Finite Fields

Chapter 5. Advanced Encryption Standard

Chapter 6. More on Symmetric Ciphers

Chapter 7. Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption

Part II : Public-Key Encryption and Hash Functions

Chapter 8. Introduction to Number Theory

Chapter 9. Public-Key Cryptography and RSA

Chapter 10. Key Management; Other Public-Key Cryptosystems

Chapter 11. Message Authentication and Hash Functions

Chapter 12. Hash and MAC Algorithms

Chapter 13. Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols

Part III : Network Security Applications

Chapter 14. Authentication Applications

Chapter 15. Electronic Mail Security

Chapter 16. IP Security

Chapter 17. Web Security

Part IV: System Security

Chapter 18. Intruders

Chapter 19. Malicious Software

Chapter 20. Firewalls

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Principles Of CMOS VLSI Design Book

















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Fine Tuning Air Conditioning and Refrige Text Book


Chapter 1  : Why Fine Tune Equipment?

Chapter 2  : Electric Heating

Chapter 3  : Gas Heating (Natural and LP)

Chapter 4  : Oil Burners

Chapter 5  : Air Conditioning Systems and Heat Pumps (Cooling Mode)

Chapter 6  : Heat Pumps (Heating Mode)

Chapter 7  : Refrigeration

Chapter 8  : Meg ohmmeters

Chapter 9  : Pressure-Enthalpy Diagrams

Chapter 10 : Estimating Annual Heating Requirements

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Digital Signal Processing System Text Book


Chapter 1. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

Chapter 2. The Fourier Series and Fourier Transform

Chapter 3. The z Transform

Chapter 4. Discrete-Time Systems

Chapter 5. The Application of the z Transform

Chapter 6. The Sampling Process

Chapter 7. The Discrete Fourier Transform

Chapter 8. Realization of Digital Filters

Chapter 9. Design of Non recursive (FIR) Filters

Chapter 10. Approximations for Analog Filters

Chapter 11. Design of Recursive (IIR) Filters 529

Chapter 12. Recursive (IIR) Filters Satisfying Prescribed Specifications

Chapter 13. Random Signals

Chapter 14. Effects of Finite Word Length in Digital Filters

Chapter 15. Design of Non recursive Filters Using Optimization Methods

Chapter 16. Design of Recursive Filters Using Optimization Methods

Chapter 17. Wave Digital Filters

Chapter 18. Digital Signal Processing Applications

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Microwave Engineering Text Book

Microwave Engineering




1.Electro Magnetc Theory

2.Transmisssion Line Theory

3.Transmisson Lines and WaveGuides

4.Micro Network and Analysis

5.Imepedance Matching and Tunning

6.Microwave Resonators

7.PowerDividers and Dirctional Couplers

8.Microwave Filters

9.Thery and Design of Ferri Magnetic Components

10.Active MicroWave Circuits

11.Design Of MicroWave Amplifiers and Oscillatos

12.Intrrduction To Microwave Systems

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8051 Microcontrollers An Applications-Based Introduction


David Calcutt
Fred Cowan
Hassan Parchizadeh


1 Introduction to Microcontrollers

2 Flash Microcontroller Board

3 Simulation Software

4 P89C66x Microcontroller

5 Low Pin Count (LPC) Devices

6 The XA 16-bit Microcontroller

7 Project Applications

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Embedded Systems Design
Second edition


Steve Heath


1.What is an embedded system?

2.Embedded processors

3.Memory systems

4.Basic peripherals

5.Interfacing to the analogue world

6.Interrupts and exceptions

7.Real-time operating systems

8.Writing software for embedded systems

9.Emulation and debugging techniques

10.Buffering and other data structures

11.Memory and performance trade-offs

12.Software examples

13.Design examples

14.Real-time without a RTOS

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Microcontroller Idea Book
Circuits, Programs, & Applications
featuring the 8052-BASIC Microcontroller


Jan Axelson
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Micro controller Basics

Chapter 2 Inside the 8052-BASIC

Chapter 3 Powering Up

Chapter 4 Saving Programs

Chapter 5 Programming

Chapter 6 Inputs and Outputs

Chapter 7 Switches and Keypads

Chapter 8 Displays

Chapter 9 Using Sensors to Detect and Measure

Chapter 10 Clocks and Calendars

Chapter 11 Control Circuits

Chapter 12 Wireless Links

Chapter 13 Calling Assembly-language Routines

Chapter 14 Running BASIC-52 from External Memory

Chapter 15 Related Products

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Digital logic Design Morris Mano Text Book

Digital logic Design Morris Mano Text Book


1. Binary Systems

2.Boolean Algebra And Logic Gates

3.Simplification Of Boolean Functions

4.Combinational Logic

5.MSI AND PLD Components

6.Synchronous Sequential Logic

7.Registers , Counters And Memory Unit

8.Algorithmic State Machine

9.Asynchronous Sequential Logic

10.Digital Integrated Circuits

11.Laboratory Experiments

12.Standard Graphic Symbols

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Optical Fiber Communications

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Optical Fiber Communications


Gerd Keiser

1.Over View Of Optical Fiber Communication

2.Optical Fibers :Structures,Waveguiding & Fabrication

3.Siganal Degradation in Optical Fibers

4.Optical Sources

5.Power Launching &  Coupling


7.Optical Receiver Operation

8.Digital Transmission Systems

9.Analog Systems

10.Coherent Optical Fiber Communication

11.Adavanced Systems And Techniques

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Verilog HDL A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second Edition

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Verilog  HDL A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second Edition


Part - 1  Basic Verilog Topics

Chapter 1.  Overview of Digital Design with Verilog HDL

Chapter 2.  Hierarchical Modeling Concepts

Chapter 3.  Basic Concepts

Chapter 4.  Modules and Ports

Chapter 5.  Gate-Level Modeling

Chapter 6.  Dataflow Modeling

Chapter 7.  Behavioral Modeling
Chapter 8.  Tasks and Functions

Chapter 9.  Useful Modeling Techniques

Part 2.  Advanced VerilogTopics

Chapter 10.  Timing and Delays

Chapter 11.  Switch-Level Modeling

Chapter 12.  User-Defined Primitives

Chapter 13.  Programming Language Interface

Chapter 14.  Logic Synthesis with Verilog HDL

Chapter 15.  Advanced Verification Techniques

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An Introduction to Neural Networks

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1 Introduction

2 Fundamentals 


3 Perceptron and Adaline

4 Back-Propagation

5 Recurrent Networks

6 Self-Organizing Networks
7 Reinforcement learning


8 Robot Control

9 Vision


10 General Purpose Hardware

11 Dedicated Neuro-Hardware

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Engineering : Automotive Computer Controlled Systems Text book

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Automotive Computer Controlled Systems


1 Common technology 

2 The Computer ECM

3 Self-diagnosis and fault codes

4 Diagnostic tools and equipment

5 Sensors

6 Actuators 

7 Diagnostic techniques

8 Additional technology

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Engineering : Research Methodology Text book

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Research Methodology

Methods and Techniques

Second Revised Edition




1. Research Methodology: An Introduction

2. Defining the Research Problem

3. Research Design

4. Sampling Design

5. Measurement and Scaling Techniques

6. Methods of Data Collection

7. Processing and Analysis of Data

8. Sampling Fundamentals

9. Testing of Hypotheses-I (Parametric or

10. Chi-square Test

11. Analysis of Variance and Covariance

12. Testing of Hypotheses-II (Nonparametric or Distribution-free Tests)

13. Multivariate Analysis Techniques

14. Interpretation and Report Writing

15. The Computer: Its Role in Research

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ENGINEERIG : Automobile Electrical and Electronic System Text Book

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Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems is an automotive text book that starts with the basics of Automotive Electical and then expands into the Electronics.

1.  Development of the automobile electrical system

2 Electrical and electronic principles

3 Tools and test equipment

4 Electrical systems and circuits

5 Batteries

6 Charging systems

7 Starting systems

8 Ignition systems

9 Electronic fuel control

10 Engine management

12 Auxiliaries

13 Instrumentation

14 Air conditioning

15 Chassis electrical systems

16 Comfort and safety

17 Electric vehicles

18 World Wide Web

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Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
Third Editiom
Stuart Russell 


Peter Norving
Overview of the book

The main unifying theme is the idea of an intelligent agent. We define Al as the study of agents that receive percepts from the environment and perform actions. Each such agent im-plements a function that maps percept sequences to actions, and we cover different ways to represent these functions, such as reactive agents, real-time planners, and decision-theoretic systems. We explain the role of learning as extending the reach of the designer into unknown environments, and we show how that role constrains agent design, favoring explicit knowl- edge
representation and reasoning. We treat robotics and vision not as independently defined problems, but as occurring in the service of achieving, goals. We stress the importance of the NEN TERM task environment in determining the appropriate agent design.

      Our primary aim is to convey the ideas that have emerged over the past fifty years of Al research and the past two millennia of related work. We have tried to avoid excessive formality in the presentation of these ideas while retaining precision. We have included pseudo code algorithms to make the key ideas concrete; our pseudocode is described in Appendix B.

                   This book is primarily intended for use in an undergraduate course or course sequence.The book has 27 chapters, each requiring about a week's worth of lectures, so working through the whole book requires a two-semester sequence. A one-semester course can use selected chapters to suit the interests of the instructor and students. The book can also be used in a graduate-level course (perhaps with the addition of some of the primary sources
suggested in the bibliographical notes).The only prerequisite is familiarity with basic concepts of computer science (algorithms, data structures, complexity) at a sophomore level. Freshman calculus and linear algebra are useful for some of the topics; the required mathematical back - ground is supplied in Appendix A.

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Engineering : Electronic Digital System Fundamentals Book

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Electronic Digital System Fundamentals 
Dale R. Patrick

This self-study text explains the basics of digital electronics using a combination of fundamental theory, examples and practical applications.

Digital devices form an integral part of numerous modern-day systems and include those used for operating electronic alarm systems, for performing arithmetic, timing and computing operations, and for logging, processing and data transfer.

Well-illustrated, step-by-step procedures are provided for explaining the working of these and other digital devices.

All the chapters in the text include a summary of the key points covered for the purpose of review.

The recommended safety precautions, datasheets of selected digital devices, and implementation guidelines while working with digital circuits in the appendices, should be of interest to the electronics hobbyist. 

Table of Contents

Chapters 1: Introduction to digital systems

Chapters 2: Digital logic gates

Chapters 3: Boolean algebra and logic gates

Chapters 4: Combinational logic gates

Chapters 5: Number systems, conversions and codes

Chapters 6: Binary addition and subtraction

Chapters 7: Digital timing and signals

Chapters 8: Sequential logic gates

Chapters 9: Counters and shift registers

Chapters 10: Data conversion

Chapters 11: Advanced digital concepts

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Engineering : Electrical Power systems Book

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Electrical Power Systems



This book will give readers a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of power system analysis and their applications. Both the basic and advanced topics have been thoroughly explained and supported through several solved examples. Important Features of the Book

* Load Flow and Optimal System Operation have been discussed in detail.

* Automatic Generation Control (AGC) of Isolated and Interconnected Power Systems have been discussed and explained clearly.

* AGC in Restructured Environment of Power System has been Introduced.

* Sag and Tension Analysis have been discussed in detail.

* Contains over 150 illustrative examples, practice problems and objective-type questions, that will assist the reader. With all these features, this is an indispensable text for graduate and postgraduate electrical engineering students.

 GATE, AMIE and UPSC engineering services along with practicing engineers would also find this book extremely useful.

Table of Contents

Chapters 1: Structure of Power Systems and Few Other Aspects

Chapters 2: Resistance and Inductance of Transmission Lines

Chapters 3: Capacitance of Transmission Lines

Chapters 4: Synchronous Machine: Steady State and Transient Operations

Chapters 5:Power System Components and Per Unit System

Chapters 6: Characteristics and Performance of Transmission Lines

Chapters 7: Load Flow Analysis

Chapters 8: Symmetrical Fault

Chapters 9: Symmetrical Components

Chapters 10: Unbalanced Fault Analysis

Chapters 11: Power System Stability

Chapters 12 : Automatic Generation Control: Conventional Scenario

Chapters 13 : Automatic Generation Control in a Restructured Power System

Chapters 14 : CORONA

Chapters 15 : Analysis of Sag and Tension

Chapters 16 : Optimal System Operation

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